大一,初到这象牙塔报到,当个傻乎乎的菜鸟,当时总以为5年的时间很漫长,可以让我慢慢消磨。那年,系友之间,由于认识不深,彼此间仍存有一种距离感,大家唯有与自己同乡,同matrix的混得比较熟,因此摩擦也不多。。一进来的首两个月,天天都被seniors们折腾,还要为了宿舍房间的事被fellow们责骂,那两个月,我想我毕生难忘,吃不好,睡不够,还天天被骂到哭,没有动过书,考试不去理,不及格已经是家常便饭。大一的日子,盲盲目目地渡过了,为了所谓的merit,可以半夜2点还在dsg搞活动。。课业很忙,每天不只要上那不知所谓anatomy,physiology,biochemistry,dental anatomy课,还有红新月会,文明学,英文课,天天却朦朦胧胧地过日子,上课最重要的不是教授的解释,而是那张attendance,签了名就睡觉,再不然就是互相‘帮忙’,真的很颓废。。
大二,第一次当senior,轮到我们折磨新生,虽知冤冤相报何时了,可是传统就是这样。这一年,上课时间比较少,一起出去玩的时候很多,最难的是多了让人开始压力的simulation,第一次抓handpiece还有种种的instrument,心里难免怕怕的。这一年,大家各自搬出去住了,混得最多的来来去去就是和自己住同样地方的人,ktsn study group 开始创办,大家每天一起编出奇奇怪怪的方法背pharmaco,microb 和patho,我想那是我们念书念得最好玩的时候了。。
大三,clinical year开始,可是同时也是我们的honeymoon year..要读的有9科,可是考的只有两科,所以很轻松,常常逃课去看戏,下午去打球,晚上group discussion结束就去外头喝茶,假期一起去旅行,几乎天天都在玩。。然而,接触时间越多,摩擦也就多,这一年,大家的友情也越来越复杂,没有谁对谁错,只是每个人都有自己的想法,我们彼此都没权去干涉。。
12 years ago
ReplyDelete我这学期有拿这两科,不过是introductory course,
ReplyDeleteDear Vincy,
ReplyDeleteThank you very much for your support~ I must apologize for not writing back to you. The past 2 weeks i was very frustrated and worried because the police department didnt have any news for my application, but i finally got their call today saying that i can attend the final round interview to be held in mid-april, though it's still a 50/50 chance (they'll select around 11 out of the 23 in the batch) but I'm sure i will work hard and impress them ^^
How did your oral health survey goes? Collected all datas already or have you found any correlation between dental health and QoL? Work hard, expecting your papers ^^
Reading your entry kept reminding me of my own University life, which is very similiar to yours. Year 1 is just for fun, i have barely touched my books and all i learn is how to organize functions and events for faculty and schools~ Year 2, as a 'senior' in the faculty and the hall, got a lot of responsibliities in upbring the freshmen... I cared more about them than my own :P but in the same time start feeling the stress of treating patients.... Year 3, Hall and faculty has more or less the same workload but i seems to adapt to it, catching up on school and sacrificing my own time in order to get things done~ Year 4, got more chance to work with colleague (coz we have the oral health survey that year).... more conflicts between classmates.... learning a lot of new knowledge and it can be hard to digest in such a short year.... then somehow i progressed to year 5... the life is still harsh but it's easy to get along with, cause you can see you're soon graduating... then you come up will all sorts of regrets like "I should have tried more in sports/music etc" or "I should have work harder in Year 1/2/3/4 (you choose what's correct for you)" and get prepared for the final exam....
I guess, that's the life of a dentist, there is not much difference in KL or in HK ^^
Just take everything easy and it will find its way out :P
Best wishes to you.
PS. You really interested in the dental education in India? I found the report that i've written and presented to the examiner, if you want, shall i sent it to your email?
we've been sufferring for three years in educational life, but still there are lotsa memorirs in our mind. And, this is time for say goodbye to our study life, and going to find our new life in society, wish u good luck in the future ^^