Saturday, January 3, 2009


今天kl下雨了,很扫兴!一切计划泡汤了!原以为雨会很快停,大伙儿一早准备,4辆车一齐出发,哪知越靠近目的地,雨就越下越凶!结果转了个大圈又回到宿舍外的tasik titiwangsa集合,随后,大家只好改变计划到midvalley消遣,而我逛腻了广场,就没去了!jason说,他今天的星座解说是一切规划好的计划将会不成行,超准的!

回到宿舍补足睡眠,傍晚,去setapak ria BBQ(因为一切材料都准备了,出游不成,只好到那里解决),把她们家搞得满屋是烟,还好没被人投诉呢!在condo的阳台里烤肉,还是第一次试叻!不懂的人从楼下看,一定会以为是火灾了!满屋烟熏弥漫的同时,听见路边传来几次消防车的声音,从阳台伸头一看,不远处有个地方真的着火了,虽然我们身在22楼高的地方,却还能看到那熊熊烈火,不知现在住在那里的居民怎样了,希望没人受伤吧!


  1. 哦,那邊有火患???

  2. Hi Vincy,

    Belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Seems like you had some excellent celebrations with your friends over the christmas period, must be a joyful holiday for you ^^

    My trip to Hainan Island was wonderful too, i love the place so much, the climate is good, and the beach in Sanya city is simply lovely... you can see the photos on my blog ^^ I'm always wearing a big grin when I was there~

    Didnt have a single idea that you are a hainanese~ Have you been to Hainan Island and visit your relatives? You should be proud with your hometown as it's one of the best tourist town in the whole of China.... I wish I'm a hainanese too ^^ (You can guess where I'm from... the answer at the end of this comment)

    You're a buddist? You have this religion when you were born or you're a believer later in your life? Are your parents buddist as well? Or are you taught in buddist school? Sorry for raising so many questions but i'm just curious. I do not have any religion, ironic enough, i was taught in a catholic school but still.... i do not believe in catholic.... that doesnt mean i'm an atheist, I do believe there is some higher power in this universe (there are something that cant be explained by science alone.... like how our earth is formed), however, i'm not comfortable with all the rituals and teachings of religion, for i think they are nothing but things invented by church/people to demostrate faith.... I knew religion is so supportive and can lead people towards good deeds, still... i dont commit myself to it.... I dunno, maybe if you have time you can enlighten me on this aspect~

    Dont feel bad about the rain, Always look on the bright side of life~ I'm sure you can enjoy life with this attitude ^^ All my blessing to your year 2009 and work hard in study~

    Will catch up with you soon~

    Ans: I'm a Hakka people~

  3. Hello again~

    Didnt see you updating for long, must be really busy for you lately~ How's school? And when will you have the Chinese new year vacation?

    I guess I'll stay in Hong Kong for the new year... do not have concrete plans yet but surely i will find some time to watch some movies and read some books. And you?

    Let me know next time. And take care~
