当了一整天operator,很累!第一次尝试remove root treatment 的GP,没有想象中的难,也发现原来门牙的endo真的比premolar容易很多!希望能够尽快赶得上requirement吧!
study group开始了,从campus回来后就匆匆忙忙到setapak oldtown去,太久没有discussion,加上oldtown的灯光及环境,还有香浓的咖啡,让我昏昏欲睡,听不进大伙儿讨论的东西,浪费了一整晚时间,看来接下来的discussion要专心点了!(虽然每一次都这样提醒自己,可是到头来。。。)
12 years ago
Hello Vincy~
ReplyDeleteGood luck with your OS exam :P Do enjoy the CNY holiday~ Take a good rest and 'recharge' yourself ^^
Well, officially i'm still unemployed but i'm working as a volunteer dentist at a community centre near my home, working without businese concern is much better~ I just started working for a few days only, will let you know more afterwards~ How about you? What will be the main concern for your home service programme? Periodontitis? Let me know~
Take care and my best wishes to you.
Hi Vincy,
ReplyDeleteIt's been a while since we wrote. How are you? Busy with studies lately?
Drop a line or two when you have the time ^^
Take care.
Dear Vincy,
ReplyDeleteSo glad to hear from you again. I was worried about you during the times when you're gone :P You didnt sound too happy in your last message, is there something troubling you? Dont worry too much about study, afterall, University is not about academic result only, just try your best effort and enjoy the remaining days of your university life, you'll certainly miss it when you graduate ^^
What kind of final year project are you working on now? Scientific papers? or Visits? In Hong Kong we have to do 2 projects before our graduation, one in 4th year, which we'll have to carry out a dental research and collect datas and write a scientific paper regarding the results, me and my colleagues end up doing oral survey on pregnant women, and yielded some pretty interesting findings. And the other project was done in the 5th year, which each one of us have to visit a foreign dental institute and see how dental education and services are carried out there, we'll have to write a report on this and present this to the external examiner during our final exam. At that time i chose India as my place for visit and it's been a really great experience. I'm sure you'll end up treasuring your final year project very much (after you've done it ^^) Support you always.
Let's keep in touch.
Hello again,
ReplyDeleteYour research topic is quite an interesting one, I believe my university is doing a smiliar research too (i cant remember exactly but it should be related with BMI and degree of edentulous of patient). How do you plan to carry out this research? For quality of life you can use questionaire (one of my professor is very good at this issue, try to search for Coleman McGrath in PubMed, you'll find a lot of papers on Quality of life of patient), and for nutrition status? by food intake history or by BMI? that'd be a bit tricky but i'm sure you and your colleagues could sort things out ^^
Some answer to your questions,
1. Unfortunately my school is not a generous one... so we'll have to paid for our own expenses for the trip >.<
2. I believe some of my seniors did visit malayasian dental schools, but not in my year, Maybe this year some of my junior will go to malayasia, but i'm not sure if they're visiting your college >.<
3. I'm not familiar with the dental education in your country, but if you're interested in knowing more about Indian's dental education, i'd love to share ^^
4. Let me recall what i've learnt from the studies, regarding dental knowledge, some moms wrongly believe teething is going to cause fever in their inborn, and they have some misconception on oral hygiene on babies. Also, it's found that income and insurance is going to affect the dental status of mother and their babies. But our study is conducted on a relative small subject pool (a total of 200 moms) so such data must be interpreted with caution :P
Hope these helps.