Saturday, March 21, 2009


刚从老人院做完pilot study回来,这间老人院,位于cheras附近,范围不大,收留了27位华裔老妇人。还没去之前,就听说那些老人都不是很欢迎我们,一踏进老人院时,心里怕怕的,担心他们会对我们不友善。我和搭档跟着学长们,穿过大厅,踏入他们的休息室,就看到一排排的睡床,每张床边静静地坐着一个个瘦弱年迈的老妇人,他们个个目无表情地朝我们的方向望着。那一刻,我心里的害怕转变成了怜悯,她们没有家,没有可以依赖的亲人,孤伶伶地被遗弃在一个陌生的环境里,他们行动不方便,天天只能坐在床边默默的,呆呆地等待时间过去,等待‘搬走’的那一天,她们有的说不出话,有的精神状态不佳,因此彼此之间也没什么交流,整个休息室静静的,在那环境里,就连我们也感觉很寂寞无助,我想,她们的心情一定更糟!也许因为这样,她们排斥所有靠近他们的人。他们很多都不想理会我们,拒绝我们的访问,除了几个比较开朗的,就主动来找我聊天,或许是因为难得有人跟他们说说话,有的可以聊得天南地北,把自己往事全搬出来讲,有个老人对我说,我们这一代真的很幸福,这是一件可喜的事,他希望一代比一代更好,但愿我们能够好好珍惜自己所拥有的,还有创造出更好的未来。这一番话,由一个历经沧桑的人口中说出,真的变得很有意义,也点醒了自己不该再有那么多抱怨了。家有一老,如有一宝!愿天下所有人都懂得去珍惜身边的人事物,还有孝顺家里的长辈,那么世界一定更美好!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Vincy~

    How are you? How's the weather like in KL? In HK the weather is disastrous as the temperature between day and night is massive, it's hot as summer at noon and blazing cold in the evening, most of the time the sky is foggy with occassional rain... Well, a very demoralizing weather. :P

    Yes, It's true that I'm getting prepared for the interview lately, a lot has happened to the police force in HK lately, for example, in one accident a policeman shot a suspect while trying to arrest him, but unfortunately the suspect was wounded too badly and he died, this has caused a lot of echo from the society blaming the excessive usage of force by the police to the lack of training etc. And with other scandals such as the disclosure of several confidential files and policeman involved in gangs or crime has made the image of police at a history low... A lot of efforts and policies are made by the force now trying to rectify the problem. I'll have to get myself familiar to these suggestions as they're likely to come up in the final interview, it's quite a lot of work to catch up and give my own views on each issues..... so life lately is pretty tiring but fruitful.

    O, btw I will be working as a dentist again (for a short term) as a Locum dentist for one of my senior... My heart is still struggling as my senior gave me a generous offer and even asked me to stay even if i have succeeded in police application.... again, the Money Verus Dream dilemma.... If you were me, what will you choose?

    Talking about your project, it's lucky that you got time till final year to finish, it reminds me of the days when we need to rush for samples (which make the subject size larger and more representative), in the end i guess we've got in touch with most of the pregnant women in HK at that time period (we went to hospitals, pre-child birth seminar ---- remember, some of us are guys.... it's so funny when surrounded by many pregnant moms ^^) Just relax, think carefully on how to improve your study from the result of the pilot study, I'm sure you'll make a great report out of it~ "You're the best Dentist:)"

    Your parents going to Hainan soon? That's great. For how long will they be staying and which city are they going to visit? I stayed at Sanya last time. Remind your parents to bring along their camera and swimsuits, the view there are magnificient and the beaches are great for swimming, i feel that the 'tourist spots' are nothing too interesting but if your parents are staying for long maybe they can go visit some of them, or else, just relax the life and enjoy the food there ^^ No worries, the people there are kind and courteous so their trip should be a lovely one~

    BTW~ All the best with your exam, how goes the revision? ^^

    Write again~

