这一趟槟城之行,目的是陪妈妈去探望已经几年不见的阿姨,还有一些近十年没见的表哥表姐们,见到他们,才发现岁月不留人,不知不觉地,大家都长大了,也老了!每一次来到这个美食之乡,最开心的莫过于尝尽道地的美食!热情款待的表哥表姐加上馋嘴的我,在那短短几天就不知吃了几碗的laksa,rojak,卤肉还有虾面等等美食了! 还记得,上一次和系友们的槟岛之旅,有两个朋友竟吃到又吐又泻,或许那是我们那次旅行最难忘的回忆了!哈哈!
12 years ago
Hello dear, Welcome back~ Must be pretty refreshing after 2 weeks of vacation ^^ Nothing is better than spending time with family members, and all the malay cusines are so mouth watering.... I feel so hungry now just by the thought of it :P
ReplyDeleteThere were a bit of complication to my eye surgery. Now my left eye is like seeing through some opaque glass (pretty much like the case of cataract..... never imagine how difficult life can be when the vision is lost/impaired! So my friend, please keep good care of your vision!! Life is no fun when you cant see properly...
I'm currently on a long vacation. I've applied to be a policeman in hong kong... that's my dream since childhood cause i always think the society need law and order to function, and i want to be the one safeguarding the stability of the society... Even though i might join the police force, that doesnt mean that i will gave up dentistry totally... i might work part time as a voluntary dentist in the NGOs to help those poor and in need. Also, i hope that working in the police i can learn things about forensics and ultimately i can become a forensic odontologist... i've worked for one forensic dentist when i was in university and life is pretty interesting.... that's my goal and i must strive for it ^^
I'm not going to Phuket now.... cause my parents are too anxious about the political instability in Thailand lately, so me and my family will be going to Hainan Island (海南島) in China. I can still enjoy the sun and the beaches there ^^ How about you? How will you spent Christmas? Are there any celebration in Malayasia? And do you believe in Christianity?
I totally agree when you say "dental生个个都会有读得想放弃的念头"..... that happens even when i was studying.... but relax, dont give yourself too much pressure. You'll be fine ^^ Best of luch in your OSCE and we can always chat again ^^
Take care~