Saturday, November 29, 2008



放假第一天,大部分系友都回家了,我一早到fac处理好一些事,就到pavilion的clinique counter试妆,一开始有点不习惯被人化好妆后的自己。接着,约了个几个月前打工时只有过一面之缘的朋友见面,其实也不知哪来的胆量,就很好奇地答应了!聊了一整个下午,或许自己一直以来的生活圈子里从没遇过这样的一个人,一个即使只有22岁,却说话会让我去思考,同时也领悟了很多的一个人,感觉挺有意思!


离开书局,再到另一个clinique counter(因为手上有两张即将过期的voucher),这一次的promoter比较细心,也比较友善,虽然在那里花了近两小时的时间,有些无聊,可是至少我从他身上学了一些小知识!还蛮不错!


1 comment:

  1. Hello dear~

    Thank you very much for you encouragement... I've once again gone caveman (seems like i'm going caveman more and more often since i started working..... i start to question myself what's going wrong in my life~) This time i've made a bold decision to quit my current job and chase my dreams... human are such lazy animal... if we are placed in a green house with all that we need, even the most adventuous person will be worn down and lost his curosity to the outside world... this is really scary and i've finally decided to go out of the 'dental' greenhouse (it's a lovely environment to be frank, good salary, well respected profession etc) I knew that i will eventually lost my passion to be a good dentist and provide the best treatment to patient after lots and lots of patient, i'll just grew bored and i am no different to the older dentist i've seen... in their eyes, even the most interesting patient are nothing more than ordinary.... this is really scary....

    I dont know if i can survive in other fields, However, if i hadnt try (at least once) in my life.... i knew by the time i grew old I'll definitely regret over it... and by the way... now i have graduated... i will always be a dentist... I can always come back to dental field at a later time...

    You've written in your blog that you're always puzzled about your future... i perfectly understand that (special bond between dental student? ^^)Just do your best in school first and earn your degree. You can always choose your career path again by the time you graduate (it's only one more year, right?)

    I'll soon have my chance to take some free time and go shopping when my job is over~ I'm looking forward to it ^^ Wandering in bookstore is my favourite activity too~

    There's no place better than home, take a good rest at home and you can share all your sorrows and burdens with you family, they are the ones who loved you most ^^

    Enjoy your holiday and when are you going back to Uni?

    PS. I didnt know the girl you said... but since this world is such a small world... i believe our path will cross someday, sometime... all we need to do is just wait ^^
    PS2. Since i have some free time lately, i've taken a few photos at the famous tourist spot in HK.... let me find a time and upload them in my blog so that you can know more Hong Kong ^^
